Kitchen hoods need to be checked regularly to make sure they work well in case of a fire, just like any other fire suppression system. If you have a commercial kitchen, you’ll want to make sure that your fire suppression system is ready to go so that your building doesn’t catch fire and cause a lot of damage.

Why Do I Need an Inspection?

In a commercial kitchen, preventing fires should be a top priority. One way to do this is to have your hood inspected, tested, and serviced regularly. Regular inspections of your system will:

  • Make sure the fire suppression system is ready to go in case of a fire;
  • Stop unintended discharge;
  • Give you peace of mind that your kitchen is safe;
  • Make sure fire code and insurance requirements are met;
  • Keep you from getting fined for not following code.

Semi-Annual Inspections
The NFPA says that kitchen hood suppression systems must be checked by a certified professional every six months. During a typical inspection of a kitchen hood, these things are done:

  • Check nozzle and conduit locations.
  • Make sure pipes are tight and secure.
  • Clean nozzles.
  • Check pressured cylinder gauges and hydrostatic test dates.
  • Test the manual pull station.
  • Cut a terminal test link to make sure the automatic actuation cycle works.
  • Make sure electricity and gas are turned off when the system turns on.
  • Replace any parts that need it, such as center link housings, system cartridges, and fusible links.
  • How well electrical interlocks work
  • Write down and tell the inspector about any problems that were found.

After a professional does the twice-yearly inspection, you should have paperwork to show that your system is compliant. This includes tagging, keeping track of any repairs, and a report of the inspection.

Monthly Inspections

Only trained professionals should do the inspections every six months, but the building owner is responsible for the monthly visual checks. A visual check of the nozzles, gauges, and tamper indicators is part of these inspections. The building owner should also check for grease build-up in the hood or duct and make sure the pull station is not blocked.

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